
Showing posts from September, 2016

How to use 1 click wp to manage all your wordpress websites?

I have been working with wordpress website for many years, both for my own sites and sites for my clients. We all know wordpress is the number 1 blog and content manage platform, but we all know it also takes a lot of time and effort to make it work and manage it. Even myself is a very technical person, I still have to hire or find some specialists to help me. And believe, those specialists are not cheap. And the bigger problem is, it is not very easy to find some good people that can actually do the job. But recently,I found an app called 1ClickWP which is especially designed for managing wordpress blog sites and having been using this app to manage my sites. The result is surprisingly good. It is not something that can everything for you, but for what it does, it does really well. Here is a quick link if you want to give it a try: You can also find a live demo from that link too: Live Demo . It saved me a lot of times, especially if you manage multiple

The new iPhone is just worse? iPhone 7?

What a great video about iPhone 7?  I would like to share this one with everyone here. Check it out below: So, do you want to upgrade to iPhone 7? Let me know what you think!