
Showing posts from February, 2018

Download of the Day: WPSwiftPage Plugin - Instantly Increase Your Site Speed

In early 2017, Google has officially announced that page speed will be a ranking factor in its mobile-first index. But what does this mean? The answer is very simple: make your website as fast and accessible as possible. People don't want to wait. There are millions of millions of sites out there. When user clicks a link to your site on phone, if your site does not load in 1 second, there is a big chance user would immediately click to another link and go somewhere else. You don't want to own some sites like that. So the question is how to make sure my site is loading lighting fast? If you search, again there will be millions of answers with all sorts of tips. That is going to take forever for you to get through. Luckily, we have a plugin WPSwiftPage that can automatically do all those for you. That is a must have plugin if you are using WordPress. BTW, this plugin only works for WordPress. Grab it while it is available.  

Download of Today: Build your eCommerce Store: Resources (pdf guide)

This is the last book of building your eCommerce Store serial. If you don't have the first several books, make sure check my older post to find them. By now, you should have a basic store set up. And you know where you are heading to and also put the actions to work. It is going to take some time to see profits. After it starts to make profits, you can test different products, try different promotion methods, and even use paid traffic to speed up the whole process. Now with everything you have done, what if you ask yourself a question: what can I do to make it fast if I am going to build another store? Can I out source some of the work so I can focus on the important things? Then that is where this last book comes in. It has all different resource in there so you can repeat your sucess. So here it is, the third book: Build your eCommerce Store: Resource .

Download of Today: Build your eCommerce Store: Mind Map (pdf guide)

This is the third book of building your eCommerce Store serial. If you don't have the first one or second book, make sure check my older post to find them. By now, you should have a basic store set up and ready to go. But this is a brand new store and the traffic will not come over night. At this stage, a proper mind set is very important. We need to understand where we are, where we are going, how to get there and how long it will take. Don't expect your stock will rock and roll immediacy. It will take time to slowly build momentum. After a while, you will see which one is working, which is not, which product is hot and which one you should drop. Then pick the good ones and promote them like crazy. They will sell like crazy and become your money machine. So here it is, the third book: Build your eCommerce Store:Mind Map .

Free Download: Build Your eCommerce Store - Cheat Sheet (pdf guilde)

This is the second book of building your eCommerce Store serial. If you don't have the first one, make sure check my older post to find the first book. After the first book, you already have the basic idea of how to build eCommerce store. In this book, it cut all the corners and direct you right into the final path. If you have any questions, you might need to go back to read the first book. Remember, this is the main action book and you do need to take actions on it. Once you have your store set up and ready to go, we will go through other tips like the mind set we need while we build our business, and how to market our business etc. But before we get into those, grab this onewhen it is still available . And the best part is, it is free right now. Enjoy!

Free Download: Build your eCommer Store Serial 1 Overview (pdf guide)

Since last time I post something about building eCommerce store to sell t-shirts, I got a lot of questions about how to. So here it is, for the next few posts, I will post some great Build Your eCommerce Store guides that hopefully can help our readers, especially newbies. This is the first one of this serial. It gives your a basic idea about building eCommerce store, such as what your need, what platform you can choose, the basic models etc that can get you start. Again, grab it before it is gone .

Free Download: eCommerce Store Nich Research(pdf)

With stock price for Amazon, eBay goes sky rock, people start to realize how profitable an eCommerce store could be. Can you start an eCommerce store? I am not talking about something like Amazon which has pretty much everything. I am talking about a small shop that sells t-shirts, or sell a type of tea bags. Don't think it is too small. There are tons of people out there marking tons of money by just selling t-shirts. This eBook eCommerce Store Nich Research will guide you through those steps and reveal the secret formula to find the most profitable Nich in Amazon, Aliexpress, eBay or Etsy. Grab it while it is available.  

Download of the Day: Unstop Facebook Traffic(pdf ebook)

Everyone is talking about Facebook traffic now days not only because Facebook Ads is cheaper than other paid ads, but also because it is highly targeted. On that end, I think Facebook did a great job. But same as all other paid ads, using it right could turn your website into a gold mine. Using it wrong could lead to a dizaster because it will drain your money fast. Today I want to share a ebook that you can learn the most effective facebook marketing strategies. You can click here to download it for a limited time.

Download of the Day: Social Media Marketing 101

Social Network is hot and social marketing is the furture of online marketing. If you use any of Social media like Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram..., then you can do it. But how do you turn your social media into cash, this is the book for you. Social Media Marketing 101. Right now you can download this ebook for free. Grab it before it is gone .

Download of the Day: Quick Cash Confidential(Easy steps to get quick cash through online marketing)

Online marketing is not hard, but also not easy. Quick cash can only happen when you have the correct strategy. This is one of them: Quick Cash Cnofidentai l. Get it before it is gone.

Download of the Day: ebook Fast Traffic Secrets 2017 edition (PDF, how 20 minutes of work generate 1000+ clicks in 24 hours)

Are you struggling with generating traffic for your business, your website or your blog? This ebook teaches you exactly that. Not only it reveals you the secrets of generating fast and quality traffic, but also show you top 10 methods to get them, thousands of clicks for free. For a limited time, download this book for free.