Is Writing an SEO Article Complicated?

Article writing is often a very important part of website SEO in internet marketing. It sounds very straight forward: just write an article about your product to help people understand your product or your service and then hopefully people will buy your product. But very often, people start to ask the question: Is writing an SEO article really complicated?

When I look at the chart above, it hurts my eyes.., doesn't? But luckily, the answer to write an SEO article is not that complicated, and it shouldn't be that complicated. 
There are no magic formulas or weird science to SEO, and there’s no right or wrong way of doing things. There are guidelines, however, as you will discover in this two-part article.
SEO writing is very much a matter of common sense, and the application of some very simple points that are based on the idea of well constructed articles, and well constructed websites. Surprised? Don’t be. Just read on.
SEO writing is no more complicated than writing a standard article for a magazine, the only difference is, there are a couple of other factors to consider. But the basics are always the same, I will use the following several post to discuss this topic. So, .... stay tuned. 


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