3-Step Keyword Research: Step 2.3 Getting keywords ideas by searching how real people speaks

2.3 Getting keywords ideas

Research how real people speak in their niche communities

Aside from the huge hubs your target niche hangs out (Inbound andGrowthHackers for marketing, for example), you can be sure that there is a group of people with questions that your content could answer on Quora.
The reason Quora is so important is because you get an insight into the exact words your audience uses when they want an answer you could provide them with. That makes it great for generating content ideas as well as keywords.
First, do a search for your term in the search bar.
using quora for keyword research
If you’re lucky, there’ll be a whole section of Quora devoted to your niche. This is full of hot questions waiting to be explained which were asked by the Quora community because they were not answered properly with a Google search.
For questions that definitely include your keyword, you’ll want to stay away from the Topic section and go to the ‘Search:’ menu item at the bottom there.
results for keyword research on quora
These 3 examples give me ideas for 2 new keywords: ‘conduct keyword research’ and ‘keyword research for blogs’. I added them into the sheet.
Next, head over to BoardReader to search all the forums.
Use your basic keyword that worked for you in UberSuggest to generate more complex suggestions.
boardreader keywords
This gives us some real questions and effective titles that people actually ask (and therefore search). I added the keywords I highlighted to the sheet, some of which you’d never think of in a million years without using this method.
I’m not going to show my work in progress sheet again ’til the end, because it’s so big now it takes up too much space. Hold on for that at the end of the post!


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