3-Step keyword research: Step 2.5: Getting keywords ideas from Ahrefs Positions Explorer and keyword Shitter

Step 2.5 Getting keywords ideas

Use the Ahrefs Positions Explorer to grab competitor’s keywords

The Ahrefs Positions Explorer offers a powerful way to get competitor information.
Using the same competitors you used in Google Keyword Planner, search the URL to get a list of keywords. Positions Explorer is one of the best SEO tools I’ve used, and I’m always finding new uses for it! Check this out:
competitor research in Ahrefs positions explorer
Add any good fits to your sheet, and get onto the next step.

Use this ‘lovely’ SEO tool (in name and design) to generate long-tail keywords

One of the most unpleasantly titled tools I’ve come across is the surprisingly capable Keyword Shitter.
While it’s capabilities are a lot like UberSuggest, making it no more useful up until this point in the process, when you have a list of keywords already, it can yield some awesome results.
Basically, you use your seed keyword (for example, ‘keyword research’) in the main box, then paste your list so far in the Positive Filter box.
Then you, er, click ‘Shit keywords’ and watch it generate many a weird and wonderful long-tail keyword.
These are the kinds of keywords I would have never thought of!
Add any that look good to your sheet and then we’ll start narrowing them down.


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