3-Step Keyword Research. Step-1: Start with a google spreadsheet template

Recently I came across an article from great SEO writer BENJAMIN BRANDALL about keyword research, and I think it is absolutely awesome.  The No.1 lesson I learned is "template it", you know what I mean. So I simplify his process to 3 steps and here it is:

Step 1: Set up a spreadsheet template-- Very Important

The first thing you’re going to have to do is set up a template in Google Sheets that you can use every time you run the keyword research process.
First, sign in to Google Sheets and create a blank spreadsheet.
google sheets
Name it, then fill the headers in to match my example, like this:
keyword research template
To make sure that you don’t treat your header as data when sorting your results, you should freeze the top row.
freeze sheets
Now you’ve got your spreadsheet, make sure you keep the link handy so you can create a powerful recurring process document later on using this guide.
Whenever you research a fresh keyword, open up the link, create a copy of the template and name it the subject of your content, like this:
make a copy in sheets
Now we’ve got our blank slate, it’s time to populate it with keywords that are going to skew the SERP game in our favor.

I will device BENJAMIN BRANDALL's original post to several more simpler steps and put them into the next several posts. You can also read his original post by click here.  


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