3-Step Keyword Research: Step 2.4: Getting keywords ideas: Snoop your competitors by keyword planner

Step 2.4 Getting Keywords Ideas

It’s time to fire up the Keyword Planner and snoop on your competitors

One of the best hacks I ever heard from Brian Dean (a man of many hacks) was what he called the GKP hack. Here’s how it works:
Find competing pages.
Finding competing pages is easy, because they have a lot of visibility. Put your high-level keyword in Google and see what comes up.
google search for keyword research
Now, go to the Google Keyword Planner.
Click on the ‘Find new keywords and get search volume data’ option, and paste a competing page into the ‘Your landing page’ field.
competitor research google keyword planner
Here’s what I got back when searching for which terms Brian Dean’s guide ranks for:
google keyword planner results
It’s as simple as that. Go ahead and any new keywords to your sheet, repeat as much as you like/need/can be bothered with, and let’s move on to the next step.
